I can't get enough of Paul Krugman even though I am a lazy at times and don't read everything he writes usually he is spot on in my opinion. By far my favorite economist but I haven't been exposed to many, I feel he speaks intellectually to all types of people. I am a basically a college grad now and I would not put myself on any pedestal on being able to write well or spell or even understand what an economist is even talking about (although I am a business major)... Maybe I am not giving myself enough credit but it is difficult to understand the economy especially all the changes we have seen from not only; the housing market crash, but stocks rising and falling, money being borrowed from the Chinese government, and fraudulent behavior left and right. Watching the Enron scandal to witnessing the government stimulating the economy by making up numbers and plugging them into a computer to spent "non tangible money"- there was no paper printed but money was coming and going. I never really understood that. Anyways, Paul Krugman has always been a little of a pessimist and rightfully he should be because he is kind of an educated fortune teller (he looks at the past and predicts the future). I find that fascinating but crazy. Trends are everything I guess but in tomorrows world I really don't know... I can't help to be a little of a pessimist as well but I am looking forward to getting a job and trying to contribute to society in some way. Check out Krugman's blog in the NY Times.
-image provided by thinkers50.com-
What do you think we can do to help understand this huge paradigm shift we are going through? It is easy to say we need to educate our children and ourselves but what else can we do to help close the gaps in our social classes? How can we- control wages, create jobs, and help the environment stay together? I don't have the answers and I most certainly don't do my part many days with recycling or conserving on energy but we must be at least aware of everything and as long as some of us are talking about it and doing things then the world will get better. Putting these pieces takes more than blogs, books, and people talking... If I can help in a physical or alternative mental ways contact me and I will try (I must say I am more of a talker than a walker but I will follow if you lead me). Until next time... Stay optimistic!
-image provided by elementalshiatsu.wordpress.com-
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