Monday, December 20, 2010

America, Blogs, and Do I Make Cents?

Well I don't know if I am putting my views out there properly or giving really any valuable information that people haven't already heard.  I don't even know if I make any sense... I am most certainly not making any cents, dollars, or investments here.  Is anyone reading blogs or do you have to find a niche blog... I think Blogger is too general of a place to put this blog... Anyways...
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Let me talk about America and our job market... Where is it going or should I say where has it gone... Overseas?  Maybe?  To specifically intelligent people that have the ability to hone in on detailed work (they are the ones getting paid.. right?)  We have lost our blue collar jobs... Yes I believe a great deal of them are gone and they will not come back.  Not only has technology replaced them but dealing with more global world has replaced them.  We need to get more enlightened and trust me I don't know where to start especially when you cannot resist going to Walmart to buy a few groceries and end up with a cart full of shit. 

Have we lost the war or are we still in this game of life?  We need to find ways to educate more people but not scare them.  Our politicians and or government and media strive off of scaring people... We are blind to the truth because we lack the good of what is going on in the entire world and what we can create with the good.  Entrepreneurship will rise to the event and is... If it doesn't and we don't create new jobs and small business we will fail... Unfortunately we are failing now.  We haven't pulled out of the war in Afghanistan and we still have to worry about South Korea on a daily basis.  What about China as well... I personally love China because I was just there but they are shaking and believe it or not I think they are shaking because I believe even though they under communist ruling they are very much like the U.S.  Wow... enough of my ranting for today... Until next time... Happy trails.

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